Respond to a Work Without Permit Violation with Allday Fence

Facing a Building Violation for Unpermitted Work? We Can Help.

At Allday Fence, we understand the stress and urgency that comes with receiving a building Allday Fence, we understand the stress and urgency that comes with receiving a building violation notice for "work without a permit." The City enforces strict construction monitoring to ensure the structural safety and compliance of all buildings – both residential and commercial. If you've found a notice posted on your property or received one directly, time is of the essence to address this issue and avoid further complications, such as a lien against your property.


Why Did I Receive a Work Without Permit Violation?

You may receive a "work without permit" violation if construction work has been initiated or completed without the necessary permits from The City. The scope of work exceeds what is allowed under an existing permit. These violations are serious and signify a breach of local building codes, designed to ensure the safety and integrity of your structure.

How Can Allday Fence Help?

Allday Fence specializes in resolving building violations, particularly those involving fencing and perimeter work that may not have been permitted correctly. Our team of experts is familiar with the local building codes and the necessary steps to rectify unpermitted work. Here's how we can assist you:

Assessment: We'll conduct a thorough assessment of the cited work and the specifics of the violation.

Permit Acquisition: Our team will guide you through the process of applying for the necessary permits to legalize the work.

Correction of Violations: If the work does not comply with local building codes, we'll provide the necessary services to correct the issues, ensuring that your fence or related structure meets all safety and compliance standards.

Liaison with The City: Allday Fence acts as your representative, handling all communications with city officials to ensure that the violation is resolved efficiently and effectively.

Act Now to Resolve Your Building Violation

Ignoring a "work without permit" violation can lead to significant penalties, including fines and liens on your property. Taking swift action not only helps in avoiding these penalties but also ensures the safety and legality of your construction work.

Contact Allday Fence Today

Don't let a work-without-permit violation intimidate you. With Allday Fence by your side, you can navigate this challenge with confidence. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward resolving your building violation.

Let's make your property compliant and secure together.


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